
at Preston Dental Group

Modern dental care offers you a huge variety of treatments, from basic tooth cleaning to complete reconstruction of your smile. At Preston Dental Group, our team is experienced in a wide range of techniques, so we can meet your dental care needs. We use the best materials and technologies available to ensure you're happy with the results of your dental care for a long time!
Here are some examples of the care options we can offer you. We also work with various specialists, so even the most complex needs can be met.

Cosmetic Treatments

Most people rate an attractive smile as a priority - it lets you feel good about yourself in everyday life. Getting your smile right can involve brightening, straightening & reshaping, replacing old fillings or rebuilding broken teeth. We can even replace missing teeth.

Many smile improvements can be completed quite QUICKLY.

beautiful smile after cosmetic care
worn, stained & missing teeth

Dental Implants

The ideal way to replace a missing tooth is to fix it into the jaw bone. Your new tooth can look, feel & perform like a natural one.
Implants are a fabulous way to replace one or several teeth.

Even dentures can be attached to implants - no more loose plates or sore gums.

after implant treatment - a beautiful smile!
missing teeth can be replaced with implants

Cerec®  one-visit magic!

Imagine having stained & broken old fillings replaced with a smooth white material that matches your own teeth, is stronger than enamel, and is set permanently in place. Now imagine that you could get this done in ONE VISIT!

We're proud to offer Cerec® crowns, fillings & inlays. Custom-made for each tooth using the most beautiful, tough, stain-resistant ceramic. In one visit.

after one visit - lovely, strong white Cerecs®
stains & old amalgam fillings at start of visit

Orthodontics for straight smiles

Straight teeth aren't only for kids, and we don't always use 'braces' to achieve them!

We offer a range of techniques for creating your ideal smile, including methods that are comfortable, unobtrusive and almost invisible!

braces were used to create a lovely, straight smile
crowded, crooked teeth before treatment

Jaw Joint (TMJ) therapy

Headache, face pain, stiff neck & shoulders, sensitive teeth, cracked fillings, tooth wear... These are some of the signs of jaw joint problems.

We use a wide range of modern treatments and therapies that will help jaw joint problems.

Which can help you to avoid serious future problems like tooth loss & pain.

heavy tooth wear caused by grinding habit
pain & headaches caused by jaw joint problems

Interested?  Like to know more?   Call for an appointment on  9484 4477